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Medicare Open Enrollment 2020

Medicare Open Enrollment 2020

Navigating Medicare Open Enrollment 2024  Medicare Open Enrollment is a critical period for retirees and pre-retirees alike. It’s a time when you have the power to review, adjust, and enhance your healthcare coverage to better meet your needs. From October 15 to...
Client Appreciation Events

Client Appreciation Events

We love our community of clients! At Hunt Country Wealth Management, we value our clients and strive to enhance your retirement planning experience with us. Throughout the year, we organize a range of events designed to offer a relaxing night out and a chance to...
The 2020 Mid-Year Financial Review

The 2020 Mid-Year Financial Review

2020 Mid-Year Financial Review– What a Rollercoaster of a Year! By: Chris Merchant, CFP® BFA® What a rollercoaster year it has been. Flashback to the beginning of 2020— the economy was doing well, the stock market was hovering at all-time highs and most economic...
Early Retirement Packages

Early Retirement Packages

The Early Retirement Dilemma for Pre-Retirees Imagine this scenario. Your employer just announced a plan to eliminate several hundred jobs through buyouts, offering early retirement packages to selected employees. You’re settled in your job, satisfied with your salary...
Considering a Roth IRA in 2020

Considering a Roth IRA in 2020

Roth IRAs are popular because they have no required distributions, their earnings grow tax-free and withdrawals are tax-free, subject to certain requirements. Income restrictions limit who can open a Roth, but since 2010, anyone – regardless of income – has been able...